Saturday, September 20, 2014

Being Functional Fit

Before anyone decides on what workout to follow or perform you must ask one question. Why am I doing this? 

Remember the Te Bow era? I don't really recall a host of moms kicking ass in the streets. Was it a good workout? yes. Did it survive? no. The reason is people asked themselves WHY? The answer was not good enough to continue with the pain and sweat. So as you search and do these different workouts, think about functionality. To be a bodybuilder, you care about the pump. Weight doesn't matter as long as you get that glorious burning sensation! For a cyclist, you need to have the stamina for multiple day rides. For me, a need to be able to pick up a heavy awkward object and probably run with it. "functional" is all dependent on what YOU do. So again, ask yourself, What do I need to do everyday? shoot to make that easier through hard work in the gym!

-Strength and Honor 

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