Saturday, September 20, 2014

Being Functional Fit

Before anyone decides on what workout to follow or perform you must ask one question. Why am I doing this? 

Remember the Te Bow era? I don't really recall a host of moms kicking ass in the streets. Was it a good workout? yes. Did it survive? no. The reason is people asked themselves WHY? The answer was not good enough to continue with the pain and sweat. So as you search and do these different workouts, think about functionality. To be a bodybuilder, you care about the pump. Weight doesn't matter as long as you get that glorious burning sensation! For a cyclist, you need to have the stamina for multiple day rides. For me, a need to be able to pick up a heavy awkward object and probably run with it. "functional" is all dependent on what YOU do. So again, ask yourself, What do I need to do everyday? shoot to make that easier through hard work in the gym!

-Strength and Honor 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

But first, let me take a selfie

Nothing can ruin your Instagram faster than a bunch of poorly prepared "selfies". As a social media consultant I have had the opportunity to create, repair and utterly change the way my clients portray themselves on the web. Recently I presented to a group of bikini and figure competitors on how to use social media for sponsorship reasons. As I assessed each of the people attending the lecture, I noticed one similarity. The overuse and misuse of "the selfie".

As you are creating your Brand(you), you must ask one question. Why am I doing this? The reasons can vary but the one thing that must be consistent is A Reason. I felt like it does not count. If you like praise, we all do, it counts. It is not a great one because after a while people get sick of telling you how great you look. If it is to inspire, better. People love to see others lead the way. The best reason is to tell a story.

A good instagram account should entertain you for at least 10 minutes reported the avg. American spends almost $2200 dollars a year on entertainment. You can entertain them for free! Here are my top 5 ways to entertain on IG. 

1. Check your Background
Make sure it is neat, no photobombers, and the lines work with your pic. 

2. Check you lighting
Nothing can destroy a picture like to much light behind, overhead and from the side. 

3. Be creative
Don't just snap a pic. Think about the face you will make, where people in the group should stand etc.

4. Stand out from the crowd
If you saw it on a  billboard, would it catch your eye?

5. Know who your target audience is
Knowing what your audience is looking for will allow you to deliver just that. If you are a personal trainer, skip the selfies, Post pics of your clients! 

-Strength and Honor

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Carb Loading Myth or Fact?

So how many of you have heard, "have to carb up!" ???? if you are over the age of 10 I would bet all of you. So what is the purpose of this loading session? For the most part it is in preparation for a difficult physical activity. So a snickers has 33g of carbs, a piece of bread has 12g, and a 9 oz steak has 0g. What one is better for you Carb Up phase? Can you see where we are going here? What you are actually doing is trying to launch a preemptive strike against the exhaustion your body will endure while performing a certain activity. No one body is identical. As much as "research", "books", "my buddy" and "my doctor" say, You will have to put the time into your own body and figure out what works for you. The best way to do this is DO IT! If you are running marathons, eat differently and see what works better. I compete in strength sports. I will usually perform 75-80% of the competition with prescribed weights at least 3 times before the actual comp. Every mock competition I do, I will eat a little differently to see how I feel. This is what my comp prep and recovery looks like for now. Mind you this is as a heavyweight strongman. Most competitions start at 9-10am.

Night before-
Dinner 14 hours before comp time
10 oz fish, brown rice, asparagus, as many rolls as i want, and a Dr Pepper. Eat till I am uncomfortable.

Bed Time 10 hours before comp time
2 PB&J with 12 oz of milk mixed with 12 oz of a probiotic yogurt

Eat large breakfast 5 hours prior to comp time
(10 egg whites, 3 whole eggs, 10 oz steak or chicken, 1 whole red pepper, and 2 L water)

1 Hour prior to comp time
   2 bananas and BCAA's, 24 oz water

Start time
 12 oz water. 800 mg ibuprofen

Mid comp
1 banana, 1/2 PB&Honey sandwich, and water

Post Comp
Lean protein shake, 400 mg ibuprofen, BCAA's

1 hour post
Big meal

My whole goal is to not run out of energy during but stay light in the gut region. Each of you need to take the time to test theories and find the one that works. Try fish, steak, vegetable, and grain variations to achieve your goal.

Strength and Honor

Monday, July 21, 2014

Accessory lifts are only accessory lifts!

You wake up early in anticipation for the workout ahead. Stumble into the kitchen and make your favorite breakfast to prepare for the torture you are going to put yourself through in precisely 68 minutes. Down the pre and off to church you go. When you walk through the doors of that hallowed ground you find your place of peace and war empty and calling your name. Plates loaded, the bar is firmly set on your squat pads(traps). Rep after rep, set after set you battle. Sweat pouring off your nose, legs shaking, stomach churning you now may start thinking about what accessory lifts you can do.

Unfortunately many people go into a weightlifting regimen under the impression leg press, calf raises, cable flies, lat pull down, curl for hell's sake and even crunches are the way to get RIPPED! My dear members, let us put down our dumbbells. Let us walk away from the cable machine and find our selves on a platform or in the rack. Get functional with the big three. Squat, Dead Lift and Cleans&Jerks. There are great applications for the other exercises, but only when paired with the serious ones.

-Strength and Honor 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Flip flops? For real bro?

So here is my rant for the week. FLIP FLOPS AT THE GYM?!!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? WHY DON'T YOU JUST STAY HOME AND DO BODY WEIGHT SQUATS TO BOOST YOUR MAX?! Seriously though. Who in their right mind thought "hmm, I want to go hard today, better put on my flip flops." Don't waste my time and everyone else's time by taking up limited space in a gym when you should be sipping on a iced orange mocha frapachino in some coffee joint. I get it. Rest day is hard to do. For the love of all that is holy just put some damn shoes on!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Scrap your pride

A quick one today peeps. When talking about lifting, there is a common misconception that bigger = stronger. Makes sense right? WRONG! Just because homeboy can "squat 5 hundo" does not make him strong. That is unless those squats are below parallel and then he is pretty fuhreaking strong. There is a delicate balance to working with correct form and pushing PRs (personal records). Do I always have perfect form? Nope. Do I try? Yup. The balance you need to find with form is so you can protect yourself from injury and continue the GAINS. No matter how much you lifted yesterday you are still going to lose way more if you get injured trying a big lift. Does that mean you should never max. Hell no. Lifting is dangerous and should be taken seriously. That being said what is the point if you are not progressing? All I am saying is do your research and find out the right way to complete whatever you are doing for your health the correct (scientifically tested and proven) way. Then SMASH YOUR RECORDS!!!
-Strength and Honor

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sleep to GROW

Sleep to GROW

  So just for kicks I asked some of the local "experts"  on what they think is the most important factor for muscle growth. I had the normal; you need to drink lots of water, make sure to never let your self get hungry, uh pre-workout bro, so on and so forth. What does this say about them? They have followed the average fitness enthusiasts way of health. That is:
1. Make sure to drink enough water
2. Get a good breakfast (abs are made in the kitchen)
3. Workout hard
4. Stay away from simple sugars as much as you can 
5. Proteins and veggies are a must
oh and if you can get about 8 of sleep

What is wrong with this picture? If you don't immediately say SLEEP, you need to be checked for an extra chromosome. Sleep is the number one most important activity anyone can ever do for great health. The normal adult human body needs anywhere from 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. (I have an 8 week old little one right now so I am being an enormous hypocrite just FYI) After that statement, what about you wants to be " normal"? A great article written David Robson (The Importance of Sleep) describes in great detail the amount of sleep, why and what happens during your zzz's in 2004. He talks about the 4 stages of sleep and how each one pertains to your body growth and recovery. Long story short,

"Human growth hormone is also released under conditions of sleep. In men, 60% to 70% of daily human growth hormone secretion occurs during early sleep which is typically when the deepest sleep cycles occur" 

"during REM (Rapid Eye Movement: explained later) sleep that the body is able to: restore organs, bones, and tissue; replenish immune cells; and circulate human growth hormone. Sleep has a profound effect on muscle growth and physical well being." -The Importance of sleep

Here is what your list should look like:
1. Sleep at a minimum 8 hours
2. Drink at least 128 oz of water per day
3. Eat a healthy breakfast with over 30g of protein
4. Adjust your diet to achieve your optimal nutrition (we will go over that another time)
5. Hit the gym hard!!!!!

So peeps, you want a super secret, tested, tried and proven method to not only see the results you want in the gym, but also what will lead to an overall healthy well being. Get you zzz's

-Strength and Honor