Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sleep to GROW

Sleep to GROW

  So just for kicks I asked some of the local "experts"  on what they think is the most important factor for muscle growth. I had the normal; you need to drink lots of water, make sure to never let your self get hungry, uh pre-workout bro, so on and so forth. What does this say about them? They have followed the average fitness enthusiasts way of health. That is:
1. Make sure to drink enough water
2. Get a good breakfast (abs are made in the kitchen)
3. Workout hard
4. Stay away from simple sugars as much as you can 
5. Proteins and veggies are a must
oh and if you can get about 8 of sleep

What is wrong with this picture? If you don't immediately say SLEEP, you need to be checked for an extra chromosome. Sleep is the number one most important activity anyone can ever do for great health. The normal adult human body needs anywhere from 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. (I have an 8 week old little one right now so I am being an enormous hypocrite just FYI) After that statement, what about you wants to be " normal"? A great article written David Robson (The Importance of Sleep) describes in great detail the amount of sleep, why and what happens during your zzz's in 2004. He talks about the 4 stages of sleep and how each one pertains to your body growth and recovery. Long story short,

"Human growth hormone is also released under conditions of sleep. In men, 60% to 70% of daily human growth hormone secretion occurs during early sleep which is typically when the deepest sleep cycles occur" 

"during REM (Rapid Eye Movement: explained later) sleep that the body is able to: restore organs, bones, and tissue; replenish immune cells; and circulate human growth hormone. Sleep has a profound effect on muscle growth and physical well being." -The Importance of sleep

Here is what your list should look like:
1. Sleep at a minimum 8 hours
2. Drink at least 128 oz of water per day
3. Eat a healthy breakfast with over 30g of protein
4. Adjust your diet to achieve your optimal nutrition (we will go over that another time)
5. Hit the gym hard!!!!!

So peeps, you want a super secret, tested, tried and proven method to not only see the results you want in the gym, but also what will lead to an overall healthy well being. Get you zzz's

-Strength and Honor

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Weight Lifting is the Key to getting Lean

So by now most of you have heard about 9 thousand ways to "get lean" right? Here is the deal. Think of a Suburban. BIG GAS HOG. Now think of a Civic. Gas friendly. Now think of calories as the gas. The bigger the vehicle, usually means more fuel. So why on earth would you ever expect to get lean by just doing the C-Word? According to Running offers very little when talking about upper leg muscle engagement. Lower legs are hammered during running. This is why so many suffer from shin splints when starting a running training routine. Back to the point. To lean up your answer is not putting more miles on the car to use more gas. That will just break the body down quicker. What you need is a bigger fuel demand. "Well Kevin, I don't want to be a suburban!"-whiny girl voice. Have you ever seen a Ferrari engine? That thing is one of the fastest, most streamlined pieces of human engineering every made! The thing is a GAS BLACK HOLE! The government even makes you pay an extra gas tax to own one. It is called a "Gas Guzzler Tax" Look it up. So you want to get lean? Make your muscles stronger. Make them use more energy when at idle. A heavy dose of iron makes the body a race ready machine. A healthy balance of weights and endurance exercises is what you need to be lean, mean machine. Most importantly is the type of fuel going into your vehicle.. Face it, if you owned an $800k car, would you put regular in it? How much is your body worth?

First picture that comes up on Google for "Marathon girl"

First picture that comes up on Google for "Crossfit girl"

First (non meme) on Google for "marathon guy"

First pic on Google for "crossfit guy"

As you can see the runners look pretty good. But honestly can you say they look better that the CFitters? Like I said. Balance of strength and endurance. 

Strength and Honor

Monday, June 9, 2014

Phase 1 Women workout

Last year I had two great girls want to get in shape. They were doing everything right... or so they thought. To get lean means extensive amounts of the C word right? WRONG! Take a look around you next time you are at the gym. Look at the ratio a fit people lifting weights and the amount doing the C word. You will most likely see more fit women in the weights area because they have figured it out. The best, not the only, but the best way for most people to get that lean athletic body they fantasize over is hitting the iron. I hear all the freaking time, " I don't want to get big though" or " I just do more cardio so I can lean up ya know?'' Well no, I don't know. You want to look like an athlete? you want to feel like an athlete? Start training like one. This Women's workout is not just for women but it is catered to the general goals of most women looking to get in shape. Long tone legs, perky butt and a good upper body. This will balance your body size out and make you feel like a champion. Dare you to try it. 

Phase 1

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Intro to me

Over the years I have been immersed in this thing they call fitness. I know like you if you are reading this, you have been in the same boat for a little while as well. I am no certified expert on paper, but serioulsy, WHO CARES?!!!! I have seen "certified trainers" teach a squat that looks more like a paraplegic trying to stand up and say, " oh yeah! that's it! Great deapth." .Whatever. I am here to put my two sense into the mix. Let me start off with this though. I don't care what type of training you do as long as it works for you! I DON'T do the C word (cardio) With the metabolism of a 14 year old boy, I think about the C word and I drop 5 pounds. All you girls just said " I'll switch you problems!!!" Truth is I love my problem. I have to work for what I got. This blog is nothing more than a compilation of what I have learned over the years as a sports athlete, firefighter, strongman, husband and father. Give the workouts a shot. Many have and none have been disappointed.